Thursday, October 12, 2006

What Is The Best Toothpaste And Mouthwash

Spirit. The story of a probe into retirement. The Toscano cigar

Spirit, the Mars probe known, is an integral part of the crew of Kirk.
STA2 came on board when it was made out of NASA.

Spirit was terminated from the service after multiple failures.

You know, the loneliness for a long time is harmful to everyone. Some will say that Spirit is only a mass of circuits, video cameras and chip ... Not so.

The inventor of the foremen put it in a robot-chip learning.
could develop their knowledge and develop a range meccanismo emozionale.
Questo sofisticato congegno permise a Spirit di maturare coscienza di sè e, soprattutto,
coscienza del fatto che su quel pianeta tutto solo non avrebbe mai trombato.

Ecco, fu questa considerazione, mutuata dalla specie umana, che portò il piccolo Spirit a inoltrare nell'universo un messaggio numerico posizionale in base due con le seguenti caratteristiche:

1000 0100 1110 0101
1000 0100 1110 0101
1000 0100 1110 0101
1000 0100 1110 0101
1000 0100 1110 0101

Qualcuno notice the repetition of the sequence. It is indeed a
digital crosscut saw.

Poor Spirit is roughed up the antenna with the simultaneous emission of
streams of bits that scattered space.

The constant rubbing their clouded lenses designed for that purpose
by Galileo Avionica.

At this horny, he added that he could pick up radio transmissions
All Football minute by minute. Given the distance from the earth was
updated until Verona won the championship and Brigels Elkjar.

He held Milan. Pietro Paolo Virdis particularly loved.
In his honor, the mustache is engraved with the laser.

drew a football field on the red soil of Mars.
Looking raved:

From that ball cazzooo
Dai dai! Via the band ... but nooo fucking
Here it is ... bravo ... go on the break .. by ... is good ... even behind.
Eye to offside.
But that foul shit! Referee meeeerda horned bastard!

On that pitch animated with his fantasy football heroes now retired for decades.
Poor Spirit!

was beamed on board after the STA2 intercepted the signal wanker.

The heroic probe was in poor condition.
now alienated by years of photos, core sampling, spectroscopic analysis, stunning red
always dreamed of her pussy!

Kirk understood the discomfort of scrap metal, if only for the town setting,
treating psychiatrist and did it then send it to the STA2 in massage room from Ramona,
viados Brazilian, who gli succhiò ripetutamente l'antenna.

Spirit tornò finalmente a sorridere.

Rimesso a nuovo e risistemate le telecamere, fu addetto ai servizi di vigilanza.
Girava con un cappellino stile agente di sicurezza e un pistolone phaser alla vita.
Il baffetto laser alla Virdis gli dava un'aria da perfetto duro.

Ora è il confidente, lo spione, l'occhio remoto di Kirk.

Spirit dorme in una camera munita di PlayStation 1435, abbonamento a Sky per la
Champions e per il porno. Scopa regolarmente con una aspirapolvere folletto.

On the bedside table a picture of the soil of Mars with a message:
I Was Here.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Can You Order Guess Coat Buttons

Alpha 2 (STA2)

Thanks to ShinySushi