Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Piece Hot Screenshots

Words ... words ... words ... I am left with only two: That's disgusting!

da 7 giugno 2010

"MILANO – La maestra a domicilio se l’assenza è prolungata. É l’opportunità che il Comune di Milano vuole dare alle famiglie dei bambini disabili a partire da settembre [...]

Nell’ultima seduta la giunta comunale ha approvato infatti una delibera che assegna dodici milioni di euro per i minori disabili che frequentano i nidi e le scuole d’infanzia del Comune . La somma approvata, spiega l’assessore Moioli, «permetterà ai bambini tra zero e cinque anni che frequentano i nostri servizi, di essere seguiti da personale specializzato a partire dal primo settembre prossimo al 31 luglio del 2012, cioè per i prossimi due anni educativi».[...]

Il finanziamento permetterà infatti all’amministrazione di assumere nuovo personale through cooperatives. "

These are the conditions or rather the promises ...
These are the facts! comments = 1

Yesterday, unfortunately, it fell to me to touch this sad reality: the teacher to support last year following the child "special" in my class was announced that from October 1 will be divided in two schools will be three days a week with us and two other school, the week after two days with us and the other three! So our baby (for now) only attended half-day ... but during all that goes to school mornings should be monitored constantly!

During the school year, thanks to a continuing professional presence were achieved considerable results ... J hour stand the noise, continuous noise of the children, it was included in the group and has made "significant relationships" with some children in the class (of course, consistent with its "state"), takes food (semi-liquid state), with ' start the new year is "going" working on new goals will be achieved very easily in the first place for the transformation of its primary reference is settled in a discontinuous and fragmented!
continuity, ritual, routine , keywords to give certainty and stability to children who are entering the nursery and kindergarten ... more so to children with disabilities!

In this our official did not even attempt to place obstacles to this "cut" rather ordered to reassure the family that their child does not affected by it ... the DOA would replace the special education teacher when not in this school ...

pity that the DOA is came only a week and the child does not know ...

sin staff absences within the school and there are always the doa is a single ... absences or replace or supersede the support

and finally ...

shame that the teachers in their professional section does not have the confidence to make fun of the family of a child in need!

... ma quei 12 milioni di euro stanziati per potenziare il personale delle cooperative?Nelle tasche di chi saranno finiti???

Idea! forse è stato un errore di battitura ... non le maestre ma i bambini a domicilio ... se Maometto non va alla montagna ... la montagna va a Maometto ... vabbè scusate la battutaccia ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blood Banks That Pay Cash In Miami

Giancarlo Siani-He who smiles at me

Per le strade di Castellammare di Stabia e Torre Annunziata una Mehari verde non passa di certo inosservata. Un ragazzo sorridente e tutto d'un pezzo affronta così le sue giornate da cronista e corrispondente precario del Mattino di Napoli: andando in giro a cercare notizie da scrivere senza paura. La camorra, Giancarlo Siani, la guarda dritta negli occhi mentre ne racconta traffici e violenze. Non tace nulla di ciò che vede: dal fiume di denaro per la ricostruzione dopo il terremoto in Irpinia, alle lotte degli operai in cerca di diritti.Non tralascia alcun particolare, men che meno i nomi di Valentino ed Ernesto Gionta, Lorenzo e Angelo Nuvoletta, Antonio Bardellino. Proprio in un momento in cui la guerra di camorra fa decine di morti ammazzati per le strade dell'hinterland napoletano. Nomi e cognomi che gli costano la condanna a morte.Il 23 settembre del 1985 Giancarlo Siani is killed while on board his "strange" green car, after four days of its twenty-sixth birthday. Twelve-year process culminating in the condemnation of the instigators and perpetrators. And his end becomes the symbol of a fact of journalism ethics and passion. For the life as justice. "And he smiles at me." So Paul reminds his brother Giancarlo while participating in a procession with the peace symbol painted on his face. A sign along with those of this comic contains all the dreams and hopes of a people.

Here a small preview of the tables:

Republic here on another preview on the tables:

Here the site of Giancarlo Siani

Here a video Amato Lamberti:

This article Roberto Saviano

Here is a podcast of "the story, She Wrote": lastoriaingiallo / view.cfm? Q_EV_ID = 306875

Wording On Funeral Flowers


Here's some 'tables produced for the Aurea:


Lyrics: Lorenzo Bartoli


Lyrics: Lorenzo Bartoli

Lanciostory 26


Lyrics: Lorenzo Bartoli

Lanciostory 31


Lyrics: O . De Angelis

Now I'm working on a short story created by Alessandro Di Virgilio .

Whats Happend If You Dont Treat Herpes


WARNING: are about to read an honest post and a bit 'mushy.

We're back here after a couple of years ....
In my head I had said I would update the blog until we were good news, now there are good news so I have.

Flashback: We
Napoli Comicon 2009, I am presenting yet another project around, Alessandro Virgilio with whom I had already collaborated on a short story asks me if I was interested in making a comic Giancarlo Siani young but with a publishing house that is moving well, Alex is a professional, I like him, trust me, I accept the fly! We return to

Today, 25 years after the death of Giancarlo and out of our book "Giancarlo Siani, and he smiles at me" for the Round Robin publisher.
Yesterday I received the book as a preview, see months of work collected and packaged in a book is exciting.
browse over to the good tables, to the mistakes and things that now I would have done differently, see specific moments of your life, remember, is like a tattoo a few years ago.
With Alexander the relationship was cemented, it was developed, sometimes jokingly tell him that sooner or later appear on her family status, the relationship Commercial has grown and we are working on several short stories.

In the meantime I managed to get all 'Aurea Editorial .

Flashback: We
in September of 2008, I decided to do the tests John Doe and ask my friend James Bevilacqua to relay them to Lorenzo Bartoli that response invites us to his house. Lorenzo is one of my favorite writers ever, with Trillo, Castelli, Sclavi, Ennis and a few others, recover all my courage and go.
boards despite the supervision of Keison , Silvia and Giorgio Pontrelli Califano are obscene and bounced back. We return to

After two years, numerous tables and test various attempts, you find step Silvia who was at SOS . , Lorenzo said that there was something for me: a story of Napoli Ground Zero incomplete and I could if I wanted to finish, exactly Asia, specifically with the designs of Roberto Recchioni .

Flashback: I
fifteen I read an adoring Asia between Spider-Man and Dylan Dog.
Rrobe I disintegrate on his blog.

between elation and fear ... ... I agree. Eura then closes!

Fortunately a few months after the phoenix rises again and was founded L ' Aurea editorial.
I finish my set and the port from Enzo Marino along with other test boards made ad hoc. My stuff like a month and after Lorenzo wrote the first free for me.
A dream come true, in my house there have been two comic strips: Tex and collected monthly and skorpio Lanciostory. With
Cybersix, Dago, Chiara night I grew up (in every sense), being there is like playing with their favorite team.
Aurea, Marino, Lorenzo welcomed me, are making me grow professionally with patience, criticism and affection.

In this study Xanadu also is growing among the various commitments and I Carlo Alberto Silvia Fiaschi , we to work steadily on various products extrafumetto.
But sooner or later I will speak of this in an appropriate manner;)

Considering that I have close friends forever and that the relationship with Clare is great, compared to two years ago, despite a little 'belly and a few more hair less, my life has definitely improved!

you soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kamehasutra,bulma Y Trucks

pirated software legitimate?

I wish that before you read the following article in the Corriere della Sera Fabrizio Dragosei from Moscow: Repression, Gates takes away an excuse for Putin 'licenses Windows to anti-regime ". Then come back here.

Already from the title, there are two opinions, perfectly legitimate - but, as such, are questionable - passed off as facts, established fact: that in Russia there is repression and that there is a regime in Russia. And I, like poker, I see: the statement - the thesis - are one thing, then, though, it takes the demonstrations.

Dragosei Fabrizio, who in recent years has amply demonstrated to be a completely unreliable source of information and pilot, refers to an article in the New York Times. Nothing wrong, for heaven's sake, that the NYT makes the interests of their country. A party to Dragosei is a real provocation to commit a crime, to commit the crime, one would expect, however, that the Corsera face Italy's interests. Dragosei is paid by the players - Italian - to U.S. interests?

Let's talk about substance. Russia is not part of the WTO (World Trade Organization, as it is called in Italian, not WTO). Not part not by choice, but the U.S. decision. Not being part of, it is not clear to whom they should follow the perverse logic dictates.

even Bill Gates knows this: in Russia, at present, Microsoft Office costs from 150 to 250 €, depending on the version. No, not pirated: official licensed. Two summers ago, at the beginning of Mondadori Via Appia in Rome, was sold at 700 €. Adesso ditemi voi chi sono i ladri. E quanto costa in realtà.

Ora vi rinfresco la memoria su come funzionava in Italia negli anni ’90. Non esisteva internet, ma esistevano le prime BBS in ambiente DOS. Da queste, scaricavo apposta – e in modo del tutto legale – immagini porno. La ragione? Conosco i miei polli. Trovavo regolarmente impiegati italiani di aziende (anche molto note, potrei fare nomi e cognomi) che in cambio mi fornivano copie di Windows 3.1, di Word 2, di Excel 4, di Access 2 su floppy da cinque pollici e un quarto (solo per Word ce ne volevano una decina). Ho smesso ormai da circa dieci anni, semplicemente perché, trasferitomi in Russia, qui costa meno comprare un computer con già installato Windows and Office. According

Dragosei, Gates will give a shot groups under special license, Microsoft also will also have to pay legal aid organizations that should be still embroiled in a case involving the use of software. "

Now things goes beyond even the limited (intellectually) feared by Dragosei prospects. Think about it. Berlusconi, with buildings rescued from abusive and TV stations Craxi, went on to rule the country. It 's the first time that Gates put bill in political issues, and it does not matter if its initiative to find you agree or not. Worldwide, all civil societies, businesses, the manufacturing world, i Partiti, i governi, i Parlamenti, adopera i computer e usa Windows.

Siete pronti ad accettare supinamente, compiaciuti, che so io, un William Gates Presidente dell’unica superpotenza del mondo?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sample Message For Baby Registry

Primo compleanno di Dolcezze di Pa'nna quindi... Blog Candy!!!

} Here we are girls,
one year has passed since I started this blog e. .. I'm really glad I did,
condividere con voi questo mio hobby per il "fai da te" mi fa crescere e imparare sempre cose nuove.

Non finirò mai di ringraziarvi!!

Voglio festeggiare questo avvenimento con il mio primo... BLOG CANDY!

Basta lasciare un commentino a questo post (solo uno, pleaseeeeee!) e pubblicizzare il Blog Candy sul vostro blog copiando l'immagine con il link oppure mettendo semplicemente il link di questo post o del blog stesso. Chi non ha un blog può partecipare ugualmente mettendo il link su facebook!

Ecco il codice da incorporare:

<a href=""><img style="width: 398px; height: 331px; "src =" "/> \u0026lt;/ a>

The prize is seen as a necklace with a mini bottle full fioccone candy with a pale pink with white polka dots, I hope you like it! But beyond this there is also a little surprise you'll see when the package arrives at your home!

The giveaway will end at midnight Thursday September 30 and the draw will take place October 1.

Let me always your email address in the comment, so I can contact you if you win!

Good luck a tutte!!

La vostra Paoninde <3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

German Recipe Appetizers

Manca poco!!!

Ragazze come state?? (non so perchè ma ho sempre la sensazione di parlare da sola!! hihi)
Tra pochi giorni partirà il mio primo Blog Candy , sono emozionata!!

Spero che almeno qualcuna parteciperà!! hihihihihi

Un bacioneeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Is The Nicest Fabric

Rosellina di... Settembre :)

Ciao a tutte, bentornate dalle vacanze!!!!
Inizia settembre e adesso ci si deve
really tuck the sleeves to resume the routine of everyday life! (

I wanted to show you this bracelet last born of an experiment
(apparently turned out well!) With corn paste, the rose has a white center in transparency and pale pink petals or with small leaves (in seprate PDM) and crystals in various shades of pink and green.

I fell in love
ata, so I decided to keep it for me!

What do you say?