Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shirts To Go Go With A Kilt

Si avvicina l'Eurochocolate...


E probabilmente non potrò più andarci nonostante l'albergo prenotato, ma per una nobile causa... mi fanno 3 simpatici mesi di contratto per un lavoro...speriamo ne valga la pena!!!
Al prossimo post!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pokémon Fire Red Cheat Visual


In attesa che arrivo in nuovi colori questa è un'anteprima fiocchettosa!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cost Of Gas Fireplace Remote

Welcome! ^_^

Benvenute/i all'interno del primo blog dedicato alle mie creazioni in fimo e cernit. Come al solito al primo post non so che scrivere... quindi vi dico solo BENVENUTE/I!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Simple Homemade Toys -cats

I receive and share! Tomorrow at 14.30 square

Subject: Solidarity

We are following con partecipazione l’ennesimo attacco che regolarmente ad inizio anno scolastico il comune di Milano fa nei vostri confronti.

Vogliamo intanto mandarvi la nostra forte solidarietà e l’invito a raggiungerci al presidio permanente che stiamo tenendo dal 1° settembre davanti all’Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale di Milano, e avere la possibilità di far conoscere la vostra situazione.

Siamo lavoratori della scuola in lotta contro i tagli e contro all’attacco contro la scuola pubblica. Riteniamo that the problems are common, and we hope that we can run a common struggle.

If you want to communicate your initiatives to fight we will be happy to participate.
Please note, while that for Saturday, September 5 we promoted an event with a concentration at 14.30 Piazza Missori.

part of the national mobilization sponsored by the school's precarious ....

Coordinamento lavoratori Scuola “3 Ottobre”

Friday, September 4, 2009

Which Wire Is The Audio In Hdmi

Missori! The apotheosis of September 1

Sabato 5 settembre ’09 alle ore 14:30
è stata organizzata una manifestazione per la difesa della scuola pubblica e per sostenere i precari in lotta in questi giorni per difendere i loro posti di lavoro che sono stati cancellati dai tagli previsti dal ministro Gelmini.

Anche le nostre scuole, asili nido, scuole dell’Infanzia, schools, civic daytime, evening and equal training centers, are in severe pain for some time and may in some cases disappear. Many of the temporary schools of the City of Milan have not been recalled and are unemployed with no social safety net.

Meet at 14:30 in Piazza Missori to create a human chain up to the administrator.

(letter received from the coordination of the Workers' School "October 3")

To work against the insecurity, the public school

Coordination of Workers' School "October 3" in permanent garrison at the Office Provincial School (USP) from 1 September, a national call to express their support his fight for confirmation of the annual contracts expired and role in the recruitment of temporary workers in all places.
The initiative is in our national struggle for the defense of a public school, secular, quality and open to all opposition to the depletion and decommissioning project undertaken by the government.
Coordination Precarious School invites all citizens, colleagues, students, parents, workers, political forces, social and trade unions to participate in the parade and human chain of solidarity against insecurity and the right to work

Saturday, September 5 at 14:30 Central Square concentration Missori

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Small Wooden Safe Blueprints


... and so after working on July ... have gone on holiday with the pc ... to be ready to take a ton of shit in my face at the end of July still simmer on the top floors of Treves off ...

1st September we are at TERMINUS
terminus because it is the first day of this new school year
Terminal because not enough words and even swear words to describe what I saw and experienced yesterday in Via Porpora 10!
About 170 people "removed" from the office of your school that had to choose a new place and 70 people who had requested the transfer ... all convened for 14 hours!
Given that at 14 yet not the same operations were concluded with the staff of nurseries (convened at 9 am on the same day )....
14.15 the "Doctor" Pagano invites everyone to sit outside in the hall where there is cool but where there is a shadow of a chair (and it seems a wait of several hours)
16.00 pm ranking in the top 10 are invited to climb on the second floor. ... But who are these top 10 if not tell us the names?
16.45 have signed only the top 5!
Situation at 18.30 (photos will follow):
a union delegation "sclera" with a person that is complaining and declares: "These are laws of a government that we voted us" .... I wonder ... if everything is in order ... that there was such a person on the spot as a delegate?
21.00 missing another twenty people "removed" and the survivors of voluntary transfers (in despair as the majority has filed a written waiver) the corridor on the second floor is full of people: mothers "on hold", and even mothers who breast-feed an infant a few days screaming in despair because he is hungry.
21.15 pm a girl feel bad they will reach a short distance the 118 and vigilant! ... the girl is then taken away by ambulance ... the seat is assigned office!
21.45 some people screaming, some crying, some people get wet with cool water for not faint ....
22.00 the latest "sfigatissime" must sign the latest "DOO seats" available even if the other side of your home!
remain about 15na of voluntary transfers (those who are desperate to ... otherwise they would have given up several hours before !)... allowed only if the person's a person willing to do the exchange at par ... (I give you my home you give me your) anything else! They fly screaming and findings of fact that resemble insults ...
22:40 pm Dr. Pagano and Mrs. Leotta take the purse and run away!
This is a pure statement of fact ... I have no words and no bad words to describe the motivation and sense of bitterness that I feel sick, I write because it is only now just past the ferocious headaches ... only result of yesterday accompanied by a sore back due to 9 hours on the feet!
I thought I had seen everything in my 9 years of insecurity ... beginning of every year when sclera surprises and moments of intense folklore ... (A year have even gone to the hands ... resulting in police intervention and reconvening the next day) ... but ... at worst there is no limit ... I noticed yesterday!