Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Something To Say In A Wedding Card
Non abbiamo ancora deciso, in questo è un casino: cerco un nome corto. Avete presente la scena finale di "Ricomincio da three? "With the extra long name, and in Russia there is also a patronymic (I, on the documents are Bernardinovič Mark Bernardini, like son - or was, in my case - Bernardino, unpronounceable). Moreover, that has problems of transliteration, which I already have enough problems: in Italy, regularly write to me as Mark, although Mark and I also for the Italian registry. do not tell you, when I lived in Italy for checks, when they used: I could not cash it, I was forced to deposit on my account as turning as Mark Bernardini Marco Bernardini. Two different people. With Vera, our daughter, born six years ago (the name of Greek origin, meaning faith, but also the wedding ring and oltretutto nessuno che si chiamasse così in nessuna delle due famiglie d'origine) Markovna Bernardini ce la siamo cavata, mo' il problema è il nascituro, a settembre. A me piace Kim, che non è solo il Kommunističeskij Internacional Molodëži (Internazionale Comunista dei Giovani, negli anni '50), ma anche un nome coreano. Il problema è che non piace a Katja, mia moglie, e deve piacere ad entrambi, altrimenti non ci sto io. Si accettano suggerimenti, poi creo un sondaggio...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Soroity Innition Stories
Saturday, June 5, 2010
25 Round Mags Marlin 795
Friday, June 4, 2010
How Long Before Flagyl Works
Alla prossima ;)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Calories In White Broccoli Pizza
Gli anni passano i problemi restano ...
Lunedi 31 Maggio 2010 al forum di Assago erano in 6500 per una prima "scrematura" ... poi ci sarà il concorso vero e proprio! ... che schifo!!! Molte persone che lavorano da anni ed anni nei nostri servizi ... "sottoposte a scrematura" pratica trattate come capi di bestiame!!!
Ma non è la prima volta ... vogliamo tornare indietro di sei anni ...?
few days after the contest the May 14, 2004 several schools had appeared out of leaflets entitled:
Friday, May 14, 2004 an article in the Corriere della Sera spoke of Dreams :
"A cloud of girls in front of the pending studies Mediaset support a test .. with the hope of seeing a dream come true ... become papers. At the same time the other side of town in the exhibition halls around 3,000 girls competing for five places to "kindergarten teacher" in schools in the municipality of Milan. "
The article mentions the fact that only part of the 3,000 girls working for the City of Milan on short term contracts already 4,5,6 or even 7 years.
This competition was "at stake a job that these teachers have occupied for years with dedication sacrifice e costante impegno, rivolto a quei bambini che già conoscono e rispettano.
Abbiamo usato il termine "MESSO IN GIOCO" perchè sono stati dati 20 minuti per leggere e rispondere a 30 domande! nella sostanza UNA LOTTERIA!
Nessuno ha avuto il time needed to understand the questions and decide the answers to determine the educational skills of who will go to care for our children!
will be lucky ... the case ... or some arcane mystery to decide the best EDUCATOR LONDON.
For those of us who worked for years in this area is VERY BITTER END a challenging career path.
Going back to May 31, 2010:
... Councillor Mariolina Moioli: I am very glad that so many candidates because we have excellent staff. I asked that the selection is rigorous, to get the best teachers in our schools ... "
Councillor read the answer in the previous rows ...
I from that contest in 2004 I got tenure ... but I still think that I May 14 purely and simply the fact BINGO!