Friday, September 4, 2009

Which Wire Is The Audio In Hdmi

Missori! The apotheosis of September 1

Sabato 5 settembre ’09 alle ore 14:30
è stata organizzata una manifestazione per la difesa della scuola pubblica e per sostenere i precari in lotta in questi giorni per difendere i loro posti di lavoro che sono stati cancellati dai tagli previsti dal ministro Gelmini.

Anche le nostre scuole, asili nido, scuole dell’Infanzia, schools, civic daytime, evening and equal training centers, are in severe pain for some time and may in some cases disappear. Many of the temporary schools of the City of Milan have not been recalled and are unemployed with no social safety net.

Meet at 14:30 in Piazza Missori to create a human chain up to the administrator.

(letter received from the coordination of the Workers' School "October 3")

To work against the insecurity, the public school

Coordination of Workers' School "October 3" in permanent garrison at the Office Provincial School (USP) from 1 September, a national call to express their support his fight for confirmation of the annual contracts expired and role in the recruitment of temporary workers in all places.
The initiative is in our national struggle for the defense of a public school, secular, quality and open to all opposition to the depletion and decommissioning project undertaken by the government.
Coordination Precarious School invites all citizens, colleagues, students, parents, workers, political forces, social and trade unions to participate in the parade and human chain of solidarity against insecurity and the right to work

Saturday, September 5 at 14:30 Central Square concentration Missori


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