Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kamehasutra,bulma Y Trucks

pirated software legitimate?

I wish that before you read the following article in the Corriere della Sera Fabrizio Dragosei from Moscow: Repression, Gates takes away an excuse for Putin 'licenses Windows to anti-regime ". Then come back here.

Already from the title, there are two opinions, perfectly legitimate - but, as such, are questionable - passed off as facts, established fact: that in Russia there is repression and that there is a regime in Russia. And I, like poker, I see: the statement - the thesis - are one thing, then, though, it takes the demonstrations.

Dragosei Fabrizio, who in recent years has amply demonstrated to be a completely unreliable source of information and pilot, refers to an article in the New York Times. Nothing wrong, for heaven's sake, that the NYT makes the interests of their country. A party to Dragosei is a real provocation to commit a crime, to commit the crime, one would expect, however, that the Corsera face Italy's interests. Dragosei is paid by the players - Italian - to U.S. interests?

Let's talk about substance. Russia is not part of the WTO (World Trade Organization, as it is called in Italian, not WTO). Not part not by choice, but the U.S. decision. Not being part of, it is not clear to whom they should follow the perverse logic dictates.

even Bill Gates knows this: in Russia, at present, Microsoft Office costs from 150 to 250 €, depending on the version. No, not pirated: official licensed. Two summers ago, at the beginning of Mondadori Via Appia in Rome, was sold at 700 €. Adesso ditemi voi chi sono i ladri. E quanto costa in realtà.

Ora vi rinfresco la memoria su come funzionava in Italia negli anni ’90. Non esisteva internet, ma esistevano le prime BBS in ambiente DOS. Da queste, scaricavo apposta – e in modo del tutto legale – immagini porno. La ragione? Conosco i miei polli. Trovavo regolarmente impiegati italiani di aziende (anche molto note, potrei fare nomi e cognomi) che in cambio mi fornivano copie di Windows 3.1, di Word 2, di Excel 4, di Access 2 su floppy da cinque pollici e un quarto (solo per Word ce ne volevano una decina). Ho smesso ormai da circa dieci anni, semplicemente perché, trasferitomi in Russia, qui costa meno comprare un computer con già installato Windows and Office. According

Dragosei, Gates will give a shot groups under special license, Microsoft also will also have to pay legal aid organizations that should be still embroiled in a case involving the use of software. "

Now things goes beyond even the limited (intellectually) feared by Dragosei prospects. Think about it. Berlusconi, with buildings rescued from abusive and TV stations Craxi, went on to rule the country. It 's the first time that Gates put bill in political issues, and it does not matter if its initiative to find you agree or not. Worldwide, all civil societies, businesses, the manufacturing world, i Partiti, i governi, i Parlamenti, adopera i computer e usa Windows.

Siete pronti ad accettare supinamente, compiaciuti, che so io, un William Gates Presidente dell’unica superpotenza del mondo?


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