The TG
3 should be marked by factionalism Russophobe, following the logic by which "the friend of my enemy is my enemy." 19th edition of the January 7, 2011, signed by a service called Margherita Ferrandino programmatic From Russia with love (for Berlusconi) tells us a film
Russian secret agents save Berlusconi from Islamic terrorists who want to kill him during the G8. It is not reality, but only a Russian film, commissioned by Putin and produced by the FSB, the secret service in Moscow, to improve the image very attractive for the heirs of the KGB
And here's the full transcript of the audio service :
Save Silvio Berlusconi is the difficult mission entrusted to the Russian secret service, whose task is to protect the Italian prime minister from a terrorist attack during the G8 summit in Rome. A risky and a storyline for a spy story that could be called "Silvio and Vlad, but instead is called" Countdown ", and is a film released in Russia in 2004 with a box office hit 7 million rubles, but still unknown to the rest of the world. An action movie that revolves around a Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky inspired, a great friend of Putin, who is the evil genius, which, in alliance with Arab and Chechen terrorists, plans to destroy the eternal city, a symbol of Christianity. But to watch over the capital and the prime minister, played by Orso Maria Guerrini, there are the stalwart Russian secret agents, young, macho and Vincent, who throw themselves into unique chases Ferrari between the capital and the Costa Smeralda, two places case. And in the film is no shortage of beautiful girls, a little 'lights, a little' no. "Countdown" has been designed and manufactured at the request of former KGB Putin, decided to strengthen its image through film and TV, and raises also friend Silvio, who, when it comes to show , you never back.
Ohibò, I said, I've lived in Russia, but 'I'm not the movie I never heard of. Anyway, I noticed no only the laughable sum of receipts (7 million rubles are just € 175 000), but also a blunder so glaring that infamous: Berezovsky friend of Putin? It 's a lie, is like saying that a friend of Berlusconi Bersani, or Vendola. Italian Wikipedia tells us that:
Berezovsky, now residing in London, is known for being one of the first billionaires of the post-Soviet period is to be accused - in an article in Forbes magazine and later in his book "Godfather of the Kremlin" ("The Godfather of the Kremlin") - by journalist Paul Klebnikov (murdered in Moscow in 2004) was a Russian mafia boss.
also add that, with Yeltsin, was the owner of Prime TV channel privatized (anyone remember?), And the newspaper Kommersant (sound familiar?), And the newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta (remember something and someone?), Then deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in 1996-1997, the Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 1998-1999 and a member in 1999-2000. The first prosecution against him was filed by the government of Yevgeny Primakov in 1999. Since September 20, 2001 is wanted by Russia on charges of fraud, money laundering and attempted seizure of power by the use of force (punishable with imprisonment from 12 to 20 years). The arrest warrant issued kr Brazil (looks a bit 'case) by Interpol on charges of fraud and money laundering through the football club Corinthians in Sao Paulo. In addition, since 1999 is being investigated by Swiss prosecutors, again for the crimes of fraud and money laundering, which has since declared him "persona non grata", prevented from entering the territoruio Switzerland. Since September 2003, a permanent resident in Great Britain as a political refugee, and has the "Travel document" in the name of Platon Elenin. In 1996 he renounced the nationality of the occupying Israeli state positions mentioned at the beginning.
Paul Khlebnikov, who, despite his surname, was a U.S. citizen, as Politkovskaya in 1996 had accused Berezovsky of having murdered the well-known anchorman Vlad List'ev. Years later, Khlebnikov was assassinated in 2004. Still, instigators and perpetrators are unknown.
I could go on for pages and pages, as well as in Brazil and Switzerland, there are various legal proceedings against him in Holland and France, but this is not the subject of this article. Although it would also be remembered that in England is co-owner of a company founded by the younger brother of George Bush Jr., and that he himself said to have financed the so-called "orange revolution" in Georgia and Ukraine, and the armed formations in Chechnya . Carefully avoids making judgments, but what counts is that, in light of the sin qui esposto, affermare che Berezovskij sia amico di Putin ha decisamente del surreale. Un'offesa per la quale potrebbe arrabbiarsi non solo Putin, ma Berezovskij stesso, che, a differenza di Putin, è noto per essere piuttosto "sanguigno".
E allora, come mio solito, mi sono documentato. Intanto, per i proventi del film. Come dicevo, la somma mi pare risibile: "Vacanze di Natale in Sud Africa", in quattro settimane, ha incassato 17 milioni di euro. Non so se mi spiego. Incuriosito, dalla rete locale di quartiere internet mi sono scaricato il film spacciato per una produzione del KGB (non sarebbe male, se, nel fare di queste affermazioni, si citassero le fonti), ovviamente in russo. Mi sono dovuto sorbire 105 minuti d'azione, e personalmente non sono un cultore del genere.
L'oligarca spacciato per Berezovskij dal TG 3 risiede in una qualche villa del comasco o del lago di Garda. Ma Berezovskij quello vero, come già detto, risiede a Londra. Ed è basso, moro, pelato, con gli occhi marroni e con la pancetta. L'oligarca del film è alto, asciutto, biondo e con gli occhi chiari.
Tutta la scena col primo ministro italiano dura circa un minuto , verso la fine del film, è assolutamente incidentale rispetto alla trama, poiché il film si svolge quasi tutto in Russia. Il primo ministro italiano non viene mai citato per nome, ed è interpretato dal sempre apprezzabilissimo interprete teatrale Orso Maria Guerrini. The lovers of "Space 1999" will remember this young man in one of the episodes. Most, however, remember him in commercials for beer Moretti. In short, the resemblance to Berlusconi is nonexistent, and not just a mustache, but for the deep voice, and especially for the character.
There is a saying that Russia is well suited to this hoax TG 3: высосать из пальца (vysosat 'iz pal'ca), literally sucking something out of a finger, and stands for "inventing out of whole cloth."
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