Friday, September 15, 2006

Songs To Play At Basketball Games 2010

Conuntdown. Ready to go!

E 'Captain Kirk talking to you.

crew of dissolute slakers are days that we scratch the bird.
It 'now time to remove the four bolts and go.
I would say that we have.
I would make a great start to the. I want to emphasis ragazzi!
Sala Motori capito?
Dalla sala motori in coro: 'SIIIIII!!!'.
Bene, voglio una una cosa all'Apollo 13, intesi?
Hey ! lo dico a voi della plancia!
E non mi guardate con quella faccia.. lo sapete che ho un debole per quel film, cazzo!

Allora facciamolo. Eseguiamo i test e datemi un GO se tutto รจ Ok!

Torre di controllo: Procediamo!

JTK: Carburante
Sala Motori: GO
JTK: Radar
Sala Radar: GO
JTK: Motore ad antimateria
Sala Motori: GO
JTK: Orologio e datario astrale
Scavo Santo (orologiaio): Non funziona una cazzo!
JTK: Scavo, smettila di farti le seghe e vai subito a give him the rope!
Scavo: OK ... Just another cutter and go! Indeed GO!
JTK: Come on ... Deflector shield, photon torpedoes and various cocks
Bridge: GO
JTK: Tractor beam, cloaking device
Bridge: GO
JTK: Mo go to the point ... Cook like we put the jelly!?
Cousinefrancaise (cook snob): This kitchen looks like a barn! How will I wonder ...
JTK: Cousinefrancaise of shit, just tell me GO or NO GO! And if you say NO GO propels you into hyperspace with a salami in the ass!
Cousinefrancaise: So .. I would say .. short
JTK: Cousinefra ..
Cousinefrancaise: Ok. OK. GOOO
JTK: Chinese Restaurant Chinese
: Plonti Polonti! GOOO!
JTK: Massage Room
Ramona (viados Brazil): Go, tomboy, GO!
JTK: stereo
Bridge: GO
JTK: And Then Music Maestro!
Bridge: GOOO

Voice Over

And so it was that Captain Kirk went with his ship, SigaroToscanoAlpha2.
The spacecraft disintegrated in a cloud of blinding light. No noise. There was only the voice of Gloria Gaynor and the choir of the crew that echoed. In a millisecond the shuttle pierced
all layers of the atmosphere without a shot being fired.
so begins the adventures of Captain Kirk in search of new worlds and some pussy to fuck.



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